Please note that this site contains * SPOILERS* and lots of them! (both for Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel TV show, and the comic books which came after the shows)
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“Into every

I started watching Buffy when it first aired in 1997. I followed it religiously, fell completely in love with the story and its characters. I still re-watch it, I have in fact watched it hundreds of times… crying, laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat, during all the pivotal moments! Still wishing with every breath that the outcome wouldn’t be so sad in the moments when truly bad things happen to my beloved scoobies.
I decided to share my love of this fantastic show, well both shows as the Angel spin-off isn’t a show on its own but rather an extension of Buffy.
I hope everyone is sharing their love of this amazing cult classic with the next generation.